
Take a look at selected reports and reviews that examine the background on adult literacy skills in England.


Adult Literacy in the UK: A Basic Primer

Adult Literacy Trust (2023)

This guide provides an introduction to the field of adult literacy. It covers: the scale and nature of the challenge in the UK; why some adults have poor literacy; the personal, social and economic benefits of good literacy; how adults learn literacy, including the provision available and how it is funded; as well as current challenges in the sector.

OECD Country Background Report:

Adult Basic Skills and Formative Assessment Practices in England

Evidence review:

What works to improve adult basic skills? (2019)

Learning & Work Institute

The Impact of Skills for Life on Adult Basic Skills in England:

How should we interpret trends in participation and achievement? (May 2007)

Changes in government policy and funding in the last decade have reversed previous positive trends

Robert Glick, FE Week (2022)

This op-ed outlines the paramount importance of improving nationwide literacy rates in an increasingly digitised world.